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Membership types


Open Athlete - for ages 20+, and full access to the athletic year.

Junior Athlete - for ages 15-19, and full access to the athletic year.

Youth Athlete - for under 14, and full access to the athletic year

Age Concession - for 60 years +, or those who hold a seniors/pensioner's card

Dual Athlete - for 11-17 years who are registered with Little Athletics NSW

Club Athlete - for those wanting to train with their club and one competition only

Families - a discounted price for one or two adults and multiple children, and full access to the athletic year

Community Athlete - insurance only for the full athletic year

RunNSW - winter season only, however insurance for the full athletic year

Pro League Open Athlete - joint membership with Athletics NSW and Pro League

Pro League Junior Athlete - joint membership with Athletics NSW and Pro League (below the age of 20)

Ages are calculated as how old you are as of 30 September, 2017.



Club Associate - the official way for club personnel to be registered with their club



Technical Official - for registered technical officials with Athletics Australia



Life Member - have been automatically registered, given full access for the 2016/17 season and sent individualised bibs

UNSW Athletics
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